Saturday, April 17, 2010

Random thoughts for a random weeked

Indiana had a cold spell today and while that sounds funny since April is generally pretty cool here, we've had some unnaturally warm weather the last couple weeks. Just a few days ago, it was over 80! Regardless of the temp. though, we packed up our kiddies and headed to the park, all of us decked out in hoodies. This particular park is about 25 minutes from home but has a spectacular nature trail that my kids love to explore. My mission today was to get out of the house for a little bit, breathe some fresh air and just enjoy my family. My husband, however, had an ulterior motive - mushroom hunting! Soon, all 5 of our children were running around on a mission. Sadly, we came home empty handed but we very much enjoyed ourselves! Our oldest son was lucky enough to spot some animals and we could not believe the fresh deer tracks everywhere, as if they had been there just moments before.

It is very important to me that my children experience nature "in the raw", to step away from the television and video game systems for a few brief hours and learn about this wondrous planet we call home. The amazing thing? They love every.single.minute of it.

Tomorrow, my children are looking forward to my MIL coming to visit, and to be honest, I think I may be more eager than they are! She is planning on staying for the day and enjoying her grandbabies and I'm looking forward to feeding her a good meal. Stromboli is on the menu and let me tell you, I make a killer stromboli!

In case anyone out there is actually reading my blog, I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well!

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